Partner With Us

We aim to keep going and growing in 2024!

We have bold goals for 2024 and beyond and we need your help!

• To be able to train 10 young adults with disabilities

• To invest in ongoing development of innovative programs and resources that address the learning needs of the participants

• To secure partnerships with other organisations in the disability employment ecosystem

• To sell more products to community organisations and businesses

Our social enterprise model attracts sustainable funding via product sales and NDIS funding. Through reducing reliance on philanthropic investment, most of your donation dollars are focused on creating a truly outstanding experience and improving and growing the program.

We have the infrastructure and necessary support, but now we rely on your assistance!

Ways you can support us

Sponsor a Baker

Consider the lasting impact you can create by backing an aspiring baker with disabilities to get a step up in their journey to employment.
Philanthropic Investment = $10,000

Corporate Matching

If you are considering or have already given a donation towards the Friendship Bakery project, you may be able to double your impact.
Not sure if your employer has a gift matching program? Enquire with HR.

For more information please contact us.

Invite Our Team

For businesses looking to engage their team, partnering with Friendship Bakery can improve productivity. 
We have experience delighting customers with market stalls, cookie boxes and morning tea.

For bookings or more information please email us.


Good things come in all shapes and sizes.
Gifts of all sizes will help the Friendship Bakery deliver on the mission to improve the economic and community participation of people with disabilities.

Donations over $2 are tax deductable.

Silver Sponsor

Industry Partners





The Friendship Bakery supplies delicious Challah, biscuits, cakes and other baked goods to the local community. 


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